Total Matching Records found : 21531

An invisible humanitarian crisis in India -Harsh Mander

-The Hindu The state and the rich and middle classes remain indifferent as millions slip into chronic hunger and intense poverty India’s labouring poor have largely disappeared even from the inner pages of newspapers and from television screens. It is as though, after the country has gradually unlocked and most migrants have returned home, the wrenching distress of mass hunger and sudden unemployment that racked their lives has somehow passed. The reality...

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Despair in a Package: How a Private Hospital in Delhi Tried to Fleece a COVID Patient -Sweta Dash As her mother lay in the ICU, a young woman fought harder than a government representative to enforce the state’s price cap order for COVID cases. She won the battle, but lost her mother. New Delhi: On June 24, when Mayanka Sanghotra learned that her mother, Narender Kaur, had tested positive for COVID-19, she was naturally alarmed. She could not get through to any of the government helpline numbers listed online,...

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How to pay for the stimulus -Pulapre Balakrishnan

-The Hindu Money financing is a viable route to take us back to pre-COVID-19 levels of output Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Congress party colleague Praveen Chakravarty have, in these pages, written on the appropriate policy response to the currently depressed state of the economy. Given Dr. Singh’s deep understanding of the subject, this is in the nature of invaluable counsel. Unlike the dispensation in power, he and his...

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How Much Do We Really Know About the Migrants Who Shuttle Between Bharat and India? -Malvika Tyagi A recent survey conducted becomes invaluable in terms of data on the socio-economic backgrounds of seasonal and short-term migrants. The lack of a comprehensive database on India’s migrants has been one of the foremost hurdles preventing the Indian government from providing direct cash transfers to them. The most that the government has been able to say about migrants is their aggregate number. Indeed, one of the biggest non-medical tragedies of the COVID-19...

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A year on, Article 370 and Kashmir mythmaking -Happymon Jacob

-The Hindu The August 5 decision has led to a state wherein the very basis of a potential step of conflict resolution has been undone While the long-standing ideological commitment of the Bharatiya Janata Party to undo Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is why Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was stripped of its special status as well as Statehood making it a simmering cauldron of discontent, our collective mythmaking about Kashmir is...

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