-The Times of India The state government on Friday chargesheeted suspended Bhartpur district collector and superintendent of police in connection with the Gopalgarh violence. The collector, Kunal Krishna an IAS officer of 2003 batch, and IPs officer Hinglaj Dan were suspended for laxity in their duties while controlling the situation in Gopalgarh which claimed 10 lives. On September 14, the small town in Bharatpur district witnessed violent clashes between Meo Muslims and Gujjars...
Wajahat Habibullah, chairperson, National Commission for Minorities interviewed by Kavita Chowdhury
Wajahat Habibullah, chairperson, National Commission for Minorities, speaks to Kavita Chowdhury on reservation for Muslims, the RTI Act and the controversy over withdrawal of AFSPA in Kashmir. You had recently visited Rajasthan. In Bharatpur district’s Gopalgarh village, some members of the minority community, Mev Muslims, were killed and the state administration was accused of mishandling the matter. What is your view? A communal riot is an unpardonable crime. The state government has taken...
More »Dalits enter Madurai temple after two long decades by S Sundar
Residents overcome an age-old bastion of discrimination The Dalits of Uthapuram village near here, where the ‘untouchability' wall was demolished in 2008, on Thursday entered a temple under the control of the upper caste Hindus, with police protection. Although scores of upper caste Hindus received the 11 Dalit persons outside the temple with folded hands, the scene was marred by the loud wails of women from the nearby streets who were opposed...
More »A milestone verdict
-The Hindu In a historic first, a special court in Gujarat has convicted and awarded life sentences to as many as 31 mostly high caste, landed Patels for burning alive 33 Muslims — the majority of them women and children — of Sardarpura village in Mehsana district. The village was among numerous Muslim habitations targeted across the State by irate Hindu mobs as part of a pogrom ruthlessly executed in the...
More »Govt notices to 25 hospitals for not reserving beds for poor by Pritha Chatterjee
A review found less than 4 per cent beds were occupied by EWS patients at these hospitals; eight facilities rated ‘excellent’ A performance review of the city’s private hospitals has rated 25 facilities as ‘poor’ on compliance of the order for reserving 10 per cent of the total bed strength for patients from economically weaker sections (EWS). The Health department is now in the process of issuing notices to these hospitals. The...
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