-The Indian Express Only a couple of weeks ago, gaurakshaks impounded a consignment of eight indigenous Gir breed cows that Jadhav had sourced from a farmer in Gujarat’s Amreli district. These animals, whose milk fetches a premium, are currently being housed at a gaushala (cow shelter) near Amreli. Pune: On August 14, Sandeep Jadhav joined protestors outside the Ahmednagar district collector’s office raising voices against the apparently growing attacks on gaurakshaks...
MS Swaminathan, father of India's Green Revolution, interviewed by Vidya Venkat (The Hindu)
-The Hindu Fifty years since the Green Revolution, the architect of the reform highlights the crisis facing Indian agriculture today It is 11 years since agronomist M.S. Swaminathan handed over his recommendations for improving the state of agriculture in India to the former United Progressive Alliance government, at the height of the Vidarbha farmer suicides crisis, but they are still to be implemented. To address the agrarian crisis and farmers’ unrest across...
More »Rural Distress: A farmer- and banker-friendly alternative to agricultural loan waivers -Sher Singh Sangwan
-The Indian Express The failure of populist rural credit schemes stems primarily from poor understanding of farm indebtedness in the first place. From the 1970s, a lot of private investment in tube-well irrigation, farm mechanisation and allied agricultural activities took place with bank credit support. After the establishment of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in 1982, institutional credit flows not only accelerated, but also exhibited diversification to fund LIvestock...
More »Cattle trade ban rules were not placed before Parliament -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu In reply to RTI plea, Lok Sabha Secretariat says Centre did not follow procedure. A Lok Sabha Secretariat reply to a Right To Information request made by one of the petitioners who has challenged the cattle slaughter ban rules in the Supreme Court reveals that the rules were never laid before the Parliament, which the government should have done before implementing them. Having triggered an avalanche of litigation across the country,...
More »New Zealand Negotiator at Asia Trade Pact Talks Says Countries Should Analyse TRIPS-Plus -Anoo Bhuyan
-TheWire.in The negotiator’s comments were non-committal but indicated that for now, the RCEP talks have not yet moved decisively into a TRIP-plus scenario. The chief negotiator for New Zealand, at the Asia trade pact talks in Hyderabad this week, made pointed reference to TRIPS-plus (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) provisions, saying that while the TRIPS agreement on intellectual property rights was sufficient, it was up to the countries to analyse whether...
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