-The Hindu The challenges for the success of Ayushman Bharat are more than just at the financial and infrastructural level On September 24, the government launched the grand government-funded healthcare scheme, the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY). While some see its ambitious goals as its main strength, others are sceptical given the inadequate funding for the scheme, the weak infrastructure of primary health care centres, and the time required for...
The spirit of mahua -Diya Kohli
-Livemint.com The production of ‘mahua’ is finally entering the formal economy as new initiatives seek to upscale this indigenous drink, selling it across the country and even the globe It is a cloudy morning in Nangur village in Bastar district, Chattisgarh. It is a settlement of a little over 400 families, considered fairly large in these parts. We make a bumpy journey down a narrow, unpaved road intermittently shaded by sargi (sal)...
More »Stubble burning: Delhi at risk of another smog attack as Punjab farmers have little alternative but burn straw India -Arjun Sharma
-Firstpost.com Late sowing, lack of government incentive to remove stubble mechanically have often led farmers in Punjab and Haryana to burn paddy stubble during autumn to immediately prepare the fields for wheat cultivation. Consequently, the stubble burning occurs on such a huge scale that it even engulfs Delhi in a canopy of smog: thus causing serious pollution for days and health issues. Ludhiana: For two winters, Delhi has made international headlines for...
More »Govt keeps job data close to its chest -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph Two reports, published every 3 months of the Quarterly Employment Survey, not released by the Narendra Modi govt New Delhi: Quarterly employment data considered reliable by even critics of the Narendra Modi government have not been released for this year so far, prompting concern the survey may be discontinued to hide potential warts that hold considerable significance in an election year. Two reports of the Quarterly Employment Survey (QES) are due...
More »People's consultation on budget urges higher spending on education & health
-Press release by People's Budget Initiative (PBI, http://www.pbiindia.net/) New Delhi: People's Budget Initiative (PBI) is a coalition of civil society organisations from across the country which promotes people’s voice in policy making processes related to government budgets in India. As part of its campaign on ‘Budget Justice for Disadvantaged Sections’, a national consultation on Budget Justice: Agenda for the Next Five Years was organized in New Delhi on 14th September, 2018....
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