-The Hindu Camp after camp has been forced to disappear in Muzaffarnagar by the official authorities. The people displaced by the communal riots are now in small shanty settlements, 10 tents here, another 10 tents half a kilometre down the road On December 26, 2013, a large group of visitors entered the Loi relief camp in Muzaffarnagar district, Uttar Pradesh. Loi camp - a festering sea of displaced and despairing humanity, with...
Activists say subsidy waste of public money
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Opposition parties and Activists who have been campaigning against private discoms and tariff hikes slammed the government's decision to increase the subsidy on power consumption on Tuesday. While BJP criticized the move, Congress said it is analyzing the implications of the subsidy announcement. BJP said money meant for welfare schemes would be spent on the increased subsidy. "He is giving subsidy to people at the cost...
More »Disability rights Bill: Activists hold protest at Jantar Mantar
-The Indian Express New Delhi: It was an unusually quiet protest. Around 500 people gathered at Jantar Mantar on Tuesday evening, held a candle light vigil, while communicating to each other their thoughts on the disability rights Bill. There were people in wheelchairs, people who cannot hear and those who cannot speak. But that did not lead to an unenthusiastic protest. Excited hand gestures and facial expressions could be seen in...
More »Good news: Vidarbha suicides fall 50% -Vivek Deshpande
-The Indian Express Nagpur: Seven years after the suicide spiral in Vidarbha's six cotton-growing districts touched a record 1,449 in 2006, here's something to celebrate the new year with: the number of deaths fell to about half that number in 2013. The year gone by recorded only 752 suicides , although that number could rise by a few due to some late reporting. It also reflects a markedly improving suicide-to-population ratio considering...
More »Dr. Felix Padel, Anthropologist interviewed by Survival International
-Survival International Anthropologist Dr. Felix Padel works with the tribes of Odisha in eastern India, including the Dongria Kondh, for whom Survival International has campaigned for 10 years. Felix is the great great grandson of Charles Darwin and lives in a remote village in Odisha. In this interview, he talks to Survival about the Dongria Kondh's relationship to their mountains, their heroic struggle against Vedanta, Darwin's evolution theory and the experience...
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