-The Hindu In Uttarakhand, women take the lead role in reviving and maintaining civil forests under Van Panchayats even in the face of several obstacles Munni Adhikari, a resident of Dhaura Gram Sabha in Lamgara block of Uttarakhand's Almora district, lives in an idyllic setting: green slopes covered with tall pine and oak trees, wild flowers in full bloom, neat little terrace farms... While this natural splendour can instantly captivate any...
Women in the forefront of fighting climate change through the ‘gola’ -Ajitha Menon
-Women's Feature Service The ‘gola' or grain basket, built on elevated ground in Goyadham village in Sunderban's South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, is central to the food security of several households here. As Sofia Bibi, 45, says, "The grain is protected from the recurrent flooding and storms and we are ensured of a regular supply when there is no agricultural work during the months of September to November and March to...
More »UN award for polio crusader -Shuchismita Chakraborty
-The Telegraph Patna: For eight years, Martha Dodarai has been walking 20km every day to reach a child for polio vaccination. Next month, her arduous journey will be recognised by the United Nations Foundation in New York. Dodarai, 43, who grew up in Latehar and works in Darbhanga, will represent frontline polio workers from around the world when she is feted at the Global Leadership Awards Dinner on November 6. A citation on the...
More »Help internal migrants, don’t discount their worth
-The Hindustan Times In many ways, they are the nowhere people. Now a Unesco report Social Inclusion of Internal Migrants in India puts the number of internal migrants at around a third of the population. This number is far higher than the number of migrants who leave India to work abroad. Yet, since most internal migrants move back and forth according to where they can find work, they get left out...
More »Inside West Bengal's murky world of child marriages
-Rediff.com Fairs are commonplace in the festive season but in tribal West Midnapore, which falls in the erstwhile Maoist-hit Jangalmahal area, it is child marriage fairs which are drawing large crowds. Such tribal child marriage fairs are held each year during this festive season. With the decline in Maoist violence, more tribals are fearlessly participating in the fairs being held this year, according to a report by women rights Non-Governmental Organisation 'Suchetna',...
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