-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Tuesday expressed its displeasure at the Gujarat government filing a “spurious” criminal case against social activist Teesta Setalvad for her alleged role in exhuming the bodies of post-Godhra riot victims in 2006 at Pandarwada, and extended the stay of the proceedings against her pending before a lower court. Presiding over a Bench, Justice Aftab Alam asked senior counsel Pradeep Ghosh to go through the FIR dispassionately...
No Bundle Packs Here by Anuradha Raman
Farmer suicides are endemic, who knew? Chances are no one’s heard about Azad’s death in Bachlapur village though Lalitpur, where the Congress, the BSP and the SP are in a battle for votes, is only 15 km away. Farmer suicides aren’t an election plank and parties prefer trading corruption charges. Rahul Gandhi’s much-touted Bundelkhand development authority proposal remains just that. More than 500 committed suicide in the Bundelkhand region last...
More »JNNURM, farmers’ loan waiver scheme under CAG lens by Pradeep Thakur
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) is giving final touches to two reports where it has pointed out anomalies in allocation of funds under the centrally-runJNNURM scheme and UPA government's debt waiver to farmers in 2008, something the opposition may use as a stick to beat the government during the budget session. In the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the CAG, sources said, is reviewing how central funds were...
More »Farmers oppose cut in natural gas supply to fertiliser units
-The Business Standard A proposed move by the Centre to slash natural gas supplies to phosphorous and potash-based (P&K) fertiliser manufacturing units has seen a number of farmer bodies, agro-experts and scientists raise a howl of protest. The move could seriously impact soil fertility, which in turn could hit food production in the country, they warned. Nutrients in soil are necessary to increase overall productivity of agri-commodities to help meet the country’s...
More »Govt asks states to set up grain procurement infra by Sandip Das
The government has asked states including Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Bihar to set up grain procuring infrastructure to increase lifting from the farmers so that requirement for the proposed food security law could be met. The Food Corporation of India, chairman and managing director, Siraj Hussain said state-level procuring agencies can help in arranging sufficient Credit facilities for carrying out grain purchase activities without depending on the Central...
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