India's food price index rose 12.92 per cent in the year to June 19, while the Fuel price index climbed 12.90 percent, government data released on Thursday showed. The pace of increase in food prices slowed from the previous week's annual rise of 16.90 percent, while Fuel price inflation eased from last week's annual rise of 13.18 per cent. The primary articles index was up at 14.75 per cent. Wholesale price...
Diesel will also be freed of govt control: PM
Indicating a new-found determination to stay the course on politically sensitive reform measures, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh not only defended the recent decontrol of petrol prices but also said diesel rates would also be freed of government control. In comments while returning from the G20 summit in Toronto, the PM seemed to be in an assertive mood despite the Opposition calling a bandh to protest Fuel price hikes. "The fact...
More »Some ‘poor Indians’ live it up with 2-wheelers, TVs, fridges by Shailesh Dobhal
A significant proportion of the country’s official below poverty line (BPL) population cannot be termed ‘poor’. Fathom this: around a fourth of the 14 million odd BPL households in urban India own a two-wheeler, a third of them a colour TV and almost two-third a pressure cooker. Almost one in five urban BPL households has at least one well-educated, graduate or above, member. The 56 million-strong rural BPL population too exhibits...
More »The slow pursuit of justice
EVEN AS BP battles to check the damage caused by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, India is showing how far it is from recovering from its own worst industrial accident. A group of government ministers appointed to suggest remedies for the disaster in 1984 at Bhopal, in central India, made its recommendations on June 21st. It urged the government to step up its efforts to extradite Warren...
More »World View: RTI gives India's poor a lever by Lydia Polgreen
Chanchala Devi always wanted a house. Not a mud-and-stick hut, like her current home in this desolate village in the mineral-rich, corruption-corroded state of Jharkhand, but a proper brick-and-mortar house. When she heard that a government program for the poor would give her about $700 to build that house, she applied immediately. As an impoverished day labourer from a downtrodden caste, she was an ideal candidate for the grant. Yet she...
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