-Indo-Asian News Service Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader L K Advani on Friday said the Jan Lokpal Bill has several inherent flaws due to which Parliament may find it difficult to pass it in the present format. "I know what are the flaws in the provisions of the Jan Lokpal Bill due to which it will not get passed. And this, I tried to explain to them (Team Anna) yesterday,"...
Aruna Roy blames govt for Anna mess by Chetan Chauhan
Social activist and National Advisory Council (NAC) member Aruna Roy has welcomed the government's move to build a “national consensus” through Parliament for a strong anti-corruption and grievance redress mechanism. But she blamed the government of mishandling Anna Hazare's campaign. “Setting up arbitrary conditions, such as limited number of days and protesters before letting Hazare to proceed, and subsequently arresting him when he refused to comply, were anti-democratic actions by the...
More »Hand on heart, PM flags all-bill option by Sankarshan Thakur
Anna Hazare’s Ramlila brinkmanship flamed deep into another night despite the UPA’s many accommodations and in defiance of mounting civil society and intelligentsia opinion that the government had committed to enough on the Lokpal Legislation for him to break his fast. Hazare and his core team of Arvind Kejriwal. Prashant Bhushan and Kiran Bedi remained unmoved by public and bipartisan commitment from the highest quarters that key features of their Jan...
More »Uniform & equitable by S Dorairaj
The Supreme Court directs the Tamil Nadu government to implement the uniform system of school education immediately. “Children are not only the future citizens but also the future of the earth. Elders in general, and parents and teachers in particular, owe a responsibility for taking care of the well-being and welfare of the children. The world shall be a better or worse place to live according to how we treat...
More »Casteist forces behind Jan Lokpal, win polls, bring your Bill: Mayawati
-Express News Service Chief Minister Mayawati today put her weight behind fears that casteist and communal forces were trying to subvert the Constitution in the garb of the Jan Lokpal Bill, and asked the Centre to ensure that the Legislation was created “within the framework of the Constitution”, and gave proper representation to SCs, STs, OBCs and religious minorities at all important levels. Addressing a press conference, the Chief Minister added: “The...
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