-The Hindu The Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat has launched an ambitious project to improve personal hygiene among women with the launch of a project to manufacture low-cost sanitary napkins. Ten members of the Isiri Self-Help Group (SHG) at Layla village of Belthangady taluk were trained by an NGO to manufacture sanitary napkins with cotton made from wood pulp. The sanitary napkins were less than half an inch thick and were called Safety...
Essar General Manager arrested in ‘Maoist protection money' scandal by Aman Sethi
The Dantewada police have arrested Essar group's General Manager for Kirandul, D.V.C.S. Verma, as part of an oNGOing investigation into allegations of the company routinely paying the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) significant sums of money to operate in rebel-controlled territory. This is the first time that an individual, directly employed by Essar, has been arrested in this connection. The group has denied allegations that it paid protection money to...
More »77 babies die of hunger every day in Maharashtra by Yogesh Pawar
According to the Maharashtra government's own figures, 18,486 children in the age group of 0-6 years have died of malnutrition this year alone (Jan-August 2011). The figure is quite high, say health ministry sources. In 2010, 12,792 children had died of hunger and malnutrition during the same period. But this year, 5,694 more babies than last year have starved to death. Most of the dead babies are adivasi children. The...
More »Ministers, bureaucrats feel the RTI heat as aam aadmi asks uncomfortable questions and dig out Information by CL Manoj
In the corridors of power in Delhi and beyond, a three-letter acronym has left some of the mightiest politicians and officials befuddled, embarrassed and powerless. The RTI, or the Right to Information Act, which compels the government to share information about its functioning with its citizens on demand, has acquired the reputation of a four-letter word among India's rulers. Its lethal nature was on full display this week - it...
More »RTE Act: Full of sound & fury signifying 'nothing'
-Daily Bhaskar Implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act that promises to provide every child between 6 to 14 years' of age compulsory education is facing many hurdles. The Act was implemented in April 2010 which makes free and compulsory education a fundamental right of every child. However, providing quality education continues to be a matter of concern in Jaipur. Several provisions of the Act are not implemented or are poorly...
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