-PTI The Bombay High Court on Tuesday granted bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, who is facing a sedition case, saying if drawing cartoons was the only allegation against him, then his custody was not required. A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Nitin Jamdar directed Mr. Trivedi to be released on execution of a personal bail-bond of Rs. 5,000. The bail order was passed by the bench on a public...
Bombay HC grants bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi
-PTI The Bombay high court on Tuesday granted bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, who is facing a sedition case, saying if drawing cartoons was the only allegation against him, then his custody was not required. A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice Nitin Jamdar directed Trivedi to be released on execution of a personal bail-bond of Rs. 5,000. The bail order was passed by the bench on a public...
More »State govt official alleges Rs 35,000cr irrigation scam -Nauzer K Bharucha
-The Times of India MUMBAI: In an explosive revelation, a whistle-blower in the state government has said a staggering Rs 35,000 crore was siphoned off and wasted on dud irrigation projects in the past decade. The Maharashtra government has spent Rs 70,000 crore on such projects across the state during this period. Vijay Pandhare, chief engineer (water resources department) and member of the state-level technical advisory committee who wrote a stinging 15-page...
More »Political parties log Rs 4,662 cr income
-The Indian Express Political parties in India have 'earned' a whopping Rs 4,662 crore through donation and other sources since 2004 with the ruling Congress at the top with an income of Rs 2,008 crore followed by BJP at Rs 994 crore, two NGOs claimed today. Relying on the IT returns and list of donors submitted to the Election Commission for the period 2004-2011, Association for Democratic Reforms and National Election Watch...
More »Ficci for changes in Land Acquisition Bill
-PTI Expressing concern over high rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) cost to be incurred by industry in the proposed Land Acquisition Bill, Ficci today asked the government to make changes in the provision. Without such changes it will not be viable for the industry to acquire or purchase land for manufacturing or infrastructure, the industry body said. "The current R&R provisions of the Bill will put an unfavourable burden on the industry as it...
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