Total Matching Records found : 2833

The business-politics nexus-Ashutosh Varshney

-The Indian Express An intriguing paradox of contemporary Indian politics has been insufficiently noted: corporate India finances India’s elections, substantially if not wholly, but it is unable to determine election outcomes. Money matters, but it is not always electorally decisive. The recent Uttar Pradesh elections provide the clearest illustration of this proposition. As is well known, the Congress, BJP and BSP were all better financed than the SP which, especially after the...

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No One Killed Agriculture There is good news. And there’s bad news. The good news first. There’s been a bumper wheat crop and the granaries are overflowing. And the bad news? Where do we begin? A lot of that grain will rot. Millions will still remain hungry. Heavily in debt and distressed, farmers are committing suicide. Food prices are soaring. There’s more… Farmers don’t have money. Their land is too small and isn’t yielding much. Fertilisers and...

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Farmers sell gold on fears of poor crop-Sutanuka Ghosal

-The Economic Times Piyush Khanolkar, a 38-year-old farmer from the Marathwada district of Maharashtra, has just sold off 10 gm of gold which he had accrued over a period of last five years to a local jeweller. With good rains not in sight yet, he has been forced to sell off the gold to create a corpus to meet his family needs in the coming months if there is a crop failure. Prabhu...

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Assam third on national crime list-Pankaj Sarma

-The Telegraph The latest statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has revealed some disquieting data for Assam. According to the latest NCRB figures, the rate of violent crimes in Assam was the third highest in the country in 2011. Only Kerala and Delhi were ranked above Assam in first and second positions respectively. The NCRB in its report Crime in India 2011, released on June 31, has said that the...

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Shackled by timidity-Yoginder K Alagh

-The Indian Express   Time to take the bolder steps, bring FDI to small towns When the GDP falls below 7 per cent, we need to start worrying. When it is less than 6 per cent, we must treat it as a crisis situation. Growth models show that the robust investment rates already achieved, and twice the productivity growth achieved in the 1980s and ’90s, will get us 8 per cent growth. This...

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