-The Indian Express The Lok Sabha MPs together ran up a bill over Rs 5.69 crore by overstaying. Bills of 27 Lok Sabha MPs, who stayed at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi during the last one year, have not been approved by the Lok Sabha Secretariat since these MPs had been allotted government accommodation but chose to stay on at the hotel for one reason or the other. They together ran...
Social justice on social media? -Amulya Gopalakrishnan
-The Times of India In recent months, racial violence has been foregrounded in the US, with the Charleston incident in which nine black church-goers were gunned down and other incidents of police brutality that are no longer possible to deny. And all of a sudden, Black Twitter has become a preoccupation with the US media, reminding it of its own evasions. Hashtags around race like #icantbreathe #Blacklivesmatter found their way into many...
More »Govt to sell on priority 27 million tonnes of wheat procured this year
-PTI NEW DELHI: The government will on priority distribute nearly 27 million tonnes of wheat it procured this year under the relaxed quality norms through ration shops, welfare schemes and open market sales. The Food Corporation of India (FCI) procured 28.08 million tonnes of wheat this year, of which 26.62 million tonnes was purchased under the relaxed quality norms because the crop got damaged due to unseasonal rains early this year. FCI generally...
More »Jharkhand: This tribal woman farms to run her free school -Saumya Mishra
-Hindustan Times Ranchi: Education is perhaps the only tool that has the power to change society, says 28-year-old Supriya Kujur, a tribal woman from Jharkhand’s Gumla district. Having struggled to educate herself, Kujur, who now runs a school in her village, is bringing about the change in the neighbourhood. Kujur’s school has more children than the 50 students enrolled in the government school in her village. Currently 250 students attend her school — Sukru...
More »Raje government's studied silence on privatisation of education -Sahil Makkar
-Business Standard Why the public-private partnership model in education doesn't get a show of hands from its naysayers Jaipur July 8, 1 pm: Around 500 school teachers were protesting outside the building of Shiksha Sankul, which houses the various educational departments in the state. They burnt effigies of the education minister, demanding the Vasundhara Raje-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government withdraw the order on increased man-days. The teaching fraternity wanted the government to revisit...
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