-PTI The Calcutta high court today refused to pass an interim order restraining the West Bengal government from distributing to farmers in Singur the land acquired earlier to set up Tata'a car manufacturing unit. On Tata Motors's plea that an interim injunction be passed to restrain distribution of the land from tomorrow, Justice Saumitra Pal said in that case the company's original petition challenging the Singur Land Rehablitation and Development Act,...
Puri cops deny SC/ST chief Puniya entered temple
-The Times of India The Puri district police on Saturday denied that chairman of the National SC/ST Commission P L Puniya had entered a Kali temple at Ranapada village near Brahmagiri. A section of the media had reported that Puniya had entered the temple, breaking an age-old ban on the entry of Dalits into temples in Puri. IIC (Brahmagiri police station) Debi Prasad Dash said Puniya, along with senior officials of...
More »Who will catch the cop? by Sreelatha Menon
Last week, an enterprising resident welfare association in Ghaziabad organised a registration camp for unique identification (UID) numbers. It found people queuing up till midnight for a week with infants, grandmothers and some with domestic workers in tow. No one had a clue as to how UID was different from the several other identity documents each of them had been scrupulously accumulating and treasuring. They were initially informed that all they...
More »New Govt portal Data.Gov.In launch next month to ease information search
-The Economic Times All public data-from that on glacier meltdowns to monsoon charts to benami land--will be freely available at the click of a mouse with the launch of a national data portal next month. Modeled on US chief information officer Vivek Kundra's Data.gov.us project, the science and technology ministry's portal-- data.gov.in--aims to democratize data, and make the government more "open". "We plan to launch data.gov.in by next month. Once the National...
More »AG okayed CBI exemption from RTI purview
-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was exempted from the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act on the sole recommendation of attorney general Goolam Vahanvati. The RTI exemption for the CBI announced by the central government on June 9 was in contradiction with suggestions made by the law ministry and also department of personnel and training (DoPT), the nodal agency for RTI implementation. This was unearthed...
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