-The Hindu Centre has proposed that the next phase of NPR will be conducted along with the FIRst phase of Census between April to September 2020. The Registrar General of India (RGI) has asked all States to “give highest importance, attention and time” to the Census and National Population Register (NPR) work as “the foundations of the statistics of the country” depend on them. In a 14-page letter, dated January 29 and addressed...
Step-wells, done well -Aasheesh Sharma
-IndiaToday.in Restoring baolis can help combat the Capital’s water problem, as well as conserve an age-old engineering marvel They say you cannot walk more than a few hundred yards in Delhi without colliding with history. Along with the hundreds of monuments lining up the national capital are some home-grown marvels of indigenous engineering. These stepwells, or baolis, commissioned by the erstwhile rulers of Dilli not just helped propagate the message of water...
More »Cop out in Delhi: Police response invariably reflects the bias of the ruling party -Prakash Singh
-The Indian Express The police are, no doubt, to blame for not being able to function in an objective and impartial manner. There is definitely a failure of leadership also. But can political parties across the spectrum escape the blame for continuing to use the police as an instrument to further their political agenda? The ongoing violence in northeast Delhi, where at least 10 persons, including a head constable, were killed in...
More »Why Odisha's nutrition budget, the FIRst in India, is a cut above the rest -Anupam Srivastava
-Down to Earth Odisha supports its nutrition agenda through agricultural policies, the public distribution system among others Odisha has become the FIRst Indian state to draw up a nutrition budget in the country. The idea of a thematic budget for nutrition is a unique one in India where an inter-departmental approach is followed. Key participants in this approach include anganwadi centres, schools and health institutions. Additionally, Odisha supports its nutrition agenda through agricultural...
More »By making crop insurance optional for farmers, has the Centre effectively ended the scheme? -Siraj Hussain
-TheWire.in Making crop insurance mandatory for loanee farmers provided an attractive deal for insurance companies. Without this, will the business still be viable? This is the FIRst in a two-part series about the changes made to the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. On February 19, 2020, the Union Cabinet approved major modifications to the two crop insurance schemes, the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS). While...
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