-The Indian Express Earlier this month, the ministry of finance announced that over 50 million new bank accounts have been opened and 17 million debit cards issued since the launch of a bold new plan to grant financial access to the poor. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced this initiative, called the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), in a speech in August. Its ultimate goal is to reach 150 million unbanked...
Surface water loss worry for Ganga plains
-The Telegraph A swathe of land stretching from the Himalayan foothills to the Indo-Gangetic plains has experienced a sTeady and significant decrease in water stored in lakes, reservoirs, rivers and as groundwater over the past decade, government scientists have said. Scientists at the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting here and their collaborators in other institutions have found that the terrestrial water storage (TWS) - a measure of surface and underground...
More »Pre-primary education in tribal language -KA Shaji
-The Hindu Package drawn up by child rights protection commission Palakkad (Kerala): The Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) will implement an educational package for tribal pre-primary children in their own language. The initiative is aimed at ending the feeling of alienation among tribal children when they get initiated into the world of letters in Malayalam, which is an alien language to them. Pilot project The project that will introduce the children...
More »Bengal govt. takes over Tea garden -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu Malnutrition deaths were reported from Bandapani in July West Bengal: Intervening in sick Tea gardens of the State for the first time, the Government of West Bengal has taken over the Bandapani Tea garden located in the Madarihaat block of Alipurduar district in West Bengal, and put up a notice on the gate that the land belongs to the State government. The Tea garden has been closed since July 2013. When...
More »Stolen generation -Rekha Dixit
-The Week Shambhu Kumar, 8, quite liked his job as a domestic help in a small town in Assam. He had to mind two children nearly his age, keep an eye on the ducks and be available for chores all day. It wasn't too hard, and he was well fed, too, though he missed his grandmother, a Tea garden labourer. One day, some women from the state education department came to the...
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