West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has promptly responded to the letter in which the State-appointed interlocutors for talks with Maoists have sought to be relieved of their responsibilities. She has called a meeting with the interlocutors on Saturday. But that does not clear away the clouds gathering over the peace process. While both the government and the Maoists insist that it is in their mutual interest to sit at the...
SC farmers till assigned lands after 45 years!
-The Hindu Scheduled Caste farmers of Hussainapuram in Orvakal mandal in the district cultivated lands assigned to them after 45 years, taking the support of MGNREGS. The first-time farmers were happy to see lush green castor and redgram crops. However, the drought slightly damaged the crops, which otherwise would have brought them good Yields. Around 31 SC families and others had been assigned 386 acres land nearly four decades ago under a...
More »Farmers dump paddy for more profitable vegetables by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
Sivadasan's five-acre farm used to be a solitary patch in Kerala's Palakkad district, with bitter gourd, cucumber, cow peas and lady's finger growing amid a landscape dotted with paddy fields and plantations of rubber and spices. Just five years later, more than 1.45 lakh farmers in the southern state have joined Sivadasan and started growing vegetables, reflecting a palpable shift sweeping across the Indian countryside. "Vegetables are always more profitable than paddy,"...
More »Sugarcane lobby triumphs, cotton farmers limp by Yogesh Pawar
While the Maharashtra government must be relieved that Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana leader and Kolhapur MP Raju Shetty ended his five-day fast in Baramati on Saturday, after it agreed to a sugarcane procurement price hike, many wonder why the same state ignores the plight of its cotton farmers. In the same duration that Shetty sat on a fast 22 debt-ridden, Vidarbha cotton farmers committed suicide. One of these, Rajendra Lahiti of Dhamangaon,...
More »‘Massive’ collections in Swiss black money probe by Ritu Sarin
Investigations say they have already mopped up a “massive amount” — running into “hundreds of crores” — as unpaid taxes from among the 700 numbered bank accounts held by Indians in HSBC Bank in Geneva in the ongoing scrutiny of what is considered a sprawling black money trail. In fact, Rs 40 crore has been recovered from Delhi-based account holders and Rs 60 crore from just one account holder in Chennai...
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