-The Times of India The Central Information Commission has asked the Prime Minister's Office to make public charges of corruption against former telecom minister A Raja along with views of various officials on them expressed in the form of file notings. A RTI applicant had sought to know why Raja was kept in the Cabinet despite serious allegations of corruption against him. The information was denied to him by the PMO saying...
CST armoury not a prohibited area, reveals RTI query by Meena Menon
MiD-Day's Akela was arrested under the Official Secrets Act over exposé on poor storage there WhileMiD-Day journalist Tarakant Dwivedi alias Akela was arrested and jailed last month under the Official Secrets Act (OSA), 1923, for doing a story on the poor storage of sophisticated weaponry at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), a Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that the Railway Protection Force (RPF) armoury at the CST was not a...
More »Hopes fading for climate agreement by Alister Doyle
* Only a less ambitious deal on climate change expected * Process is dead in the water - de Boer "Ask for a camel when you expect to get a goat," runs a Somali saying that sums up the fading of ambitions for United Nations talks on slowing climate change -- aim high, but settle for far less. Developing nations publicly insist the rich must agree far deeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions,...
More »The Bitter Pills by Debarshi Dasgupta
India’s FTAs pip generic drugs production Lot More For Less * Generic drugs from India play a major role as antiretroviral drugs across the developing world * A 2010 study says 80% of the medicines used by donor-funded programmes to treat people with HIV were sourced from India * It’s cut down treatment costs drastically, from $10,000 to $80 * Stronger IP regimes may hamper production of generics *** The right of...
More »Posco: Rain keeps away cops, not protesting children by Debabrata Mohanty
Around 10 platoons of armed police came to Gobindpur in the morning and went back to their camps, citing “inclement weather”. But long before the cops came, Biswambar Mohanty, a Std 9 student of Kapteswar Vidyapitha of Gobindpur village, was up there with a torn umbrella at the sandy fields that separated Gobindpur and Nuagaon. Just a few feet away, a barefoot Soni Parmanik, 5, clad in a grimy yellow frock,...
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