-The Hindu NITI Aayog CEO says he did not say they were dragging down India’s growth Facing criticism over his comment that eastern States such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, where the BJP is in power, are keeping India backward, Amitabh Kant, Chief Executive Officer of NITI Aayog, on Tuesday issued a clarification on Twitter. “These States are backward on human development indicators because of legacy issues. This government’s...
Women are the guardians of the forest. So why does India ignore them in its policies? -Purabi Bose
-Scroll.in It is important that forest policies are formulated through a gender-sensitive lens and that women are included in the conversation. A few weeks ago, when Google India marked the 45th anniversary of the Chipko movement with a doodle, it was a refreshing flashback to forest communities sacrificing their lives to protect trees from being felled for timber use. One of the first such recorded community protests was at Khejarli village in...
More »Death poor deterrent: Three per cent convictions, 94% accused know victims in child rape cases -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express The poor conviction rate in cases of child rape goes to show that death penalty - which comes at the sentencing stage, post-convictions — will mean little to a vast majority of the victims. Two telling sets of figures from the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) put a question mark on the effectiveness of death as a deterrence for child rape. In 2016, of the 64,138 child rape...
More »Media coverage of rape cases: Here are the laws that news outlets are expected to comply with
-Firstpost.com In the course of debates on gender-based violence, one aspect that is often hotly discussed is the role of the media in reporting such crimes. While media reporting can play a part in ensuring justice in some cases, it can also at times put the victim or her family at risk, or end up further stigmatising her. For this reason, the media is expected to comply with an array of laws...
More »NGO seeks environment impact assessment of all-weather roads -Nihi Sharma
-Hindustan Times Citizens for Green Doon on Tuesday submitted a PIL to the NGT demanding an environment impact assessment of all-weather roads connecting the Char Dhams in Uttarakhand Dehradun: A non-government organisation, Citizens for Green Doon (CFGD), on Tuesday submitted a public interest litigation (PIL) to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) demanding an environment impact assessment (EIA) of all-weather roads connecting the Char Dhams in Uttarakhand. After submission of the PIL, the tribunal...
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