-The Times of India On a motion moved by Pranab Mukherjee, Lok Sabha on Saturday passed a resolution conveying the sense of the House on the Lokpal Bill. After the passage of the resolution, Speaker Meira Kumar adjourned the Lok Sabha till Monday. There was some confusion over whether the resolution was passed by a voice vote or not. Apparently, no voice vote took place. "Thumping of the desk is akin to passing a...
‘Omnibus Lokpal will not serve purpose' by ML Melly Maitreyi
The amendments to Lokpal Bill, 2011 submitted to the Standing Committee of Parliament by the civic society group represented by Jayaprakash Narayan of Lok Satta envisage Lokpal's jurisdiction over the Prime Minister and creation of strong Lokayuktas in States. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in the Lok Sabha on Thursday that the versions of Lokpal Bill suggested by the three civil society groups, including that of Dr. Narayan (JP), w ould...
More »Voice of silent majority
-The Business Standard There are victors and vanquished only in a war. In a genuinely political engagement everyone must emerge a winner. That is made possible only through compromise, through “give and take”. Through his reasonable statement in Parliament, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has opened the door to an honourable compromise between the government and civil society on the issue of the Lok Pal Bill. Dr Singh only stated the obvious...
More »MPs slam noisemakers at the gates
-The Hindustan Times Parliamentarians on Thursday expressed discomfort over supporters of Anna Hazare holding demonstrations outside the houses of ministers and MPs. MPs cutting across party lines slammed the phenomenon, arguing that it impinged upon their freedom to carry out their duties. Raising the issue during Zero Hour in Lok Sabha, Congress member MI Shanavas said Hazare's call to his supporters to conduct gheraos and protest outside the houses of ministers...
More »Hand on heart, PM flags all-bill option by Sankarshan Thakur
Anna Hazare’s Ramlila brinkmanship flamed deep into another night despite the UPA’s many accommodations and in defiance of mounting civil society and intelligentsia opinion that the government had committed to enough on the Lokpal legislation for him to break his fast. Hazare and his core team of Arvind Kejriwal. Prashant Bhushan and Kiran Bedi remained unmoved by public and bipartisan commitment from the highest quarters that key features of their Jan...
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