-Newsclick.in The Rs 3 lakh crore credit guarantee scheme for micro, small and medium enterprises is unclear, contradictory and practically difficult to implement. The scheme may create more problems than it solves. On May 12, in his televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan or the “campaign to make India self-reliant,” comprising what was claimed to be a Rs 20 lakh crore package to...
30 million people, one coronavirus testing lab: Crisis in eastern Uttar Pradesh -Supriya Sharma
-Scroll.in As migrant workers return to the region, the number of cases is rising – as is the backlog of tests. On Sunday morning, June 7, the chief medical officer of Jaunpur district sat in his office, shooting muffled instructions to his staff from behind his N-95 mask. “Arrange 10 mattresses quickly,” he told a man who tentatively stood next to his desk. “We need to prepare 100 beds immediately.” “Why have 25 thalis...
More »'There Has Been No Business This Year': Demand Plummets For Bengal's Weavers -Gurvinder Singh
-TheWire.in “The opening of the markets would bring no respite to us. There would be hardly any sales during the festive months due to financial doom," said a weaver in Dhaniekhali. Kolkata: Raju Singha Rao, a handloom sari weaver at Phulia in West Bengal’s Nadia district, has been having sleepless nights since the nationwide lockdown was announced on March 24. The financial crisis coupled with thoughts of starvation and hunger has been keeping...
More »A pledge to do better for world biodiversity -Rupesh K Bhomia and Abhay Kumar
-The Indian Express June 5 was World Environment Day. We must strive to preserve our environment better if we want to prevent pandemics like COVID-19 This year’s celebration of World Environment Day — on June 5 — has been different compared to all the previous years, as human civilisation faces one of its biggest crises. The COVID-19 pandemic is larger than the environmental crisis of the 1960s and ’70s, which prompted the...
More »QuaranTeen Warmline: support for teenagers, by teenagers -Sweta Akundi
-The Hindu QuaranTeen Warmline, a peer-to-peer support helpline, is a safe space for teenagers to discuss their problems amid the pandemic Tara Dave spends every evening on phone calls. Not surprising for a 17-year-old, but what is unusual is that every day, she speaks to children across the country, as part of QuaranTeen Warmline, a peer-to-peer support helpline, exclusively for teenagers aged 15 to 18, that she helms. “Many hotlines have come up...
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