"Parading an accused before the media and releasing his 'confessional' statement violated the right of the accused," said the Delhi High Court on Monday. Ordering the Delhi police to stop this practice, a Bench headed by Chief Justice Ajit Prakash Shah has asked the police if they could issue guidelines banning it. "The police should not deliberately make the accused pose before the media. But there is no harm in cameramen...
Cash-for-judge: HC Bar flays CJI by Ajay Sura
The Bar Association of Punjab and Haryana High Court passed a resolution on Tuesday, condemning the Chief Justice of India (CJI) KG Balakrishnan and former Attorney General (AG) of India, Milon Banerjee for giving a clean chit to the controversial high court judge, Nirmal Yadav in the cash-in-bag scam. The CJI has been condemned by the Bar for his "willful and palpable abdication of duty" in denying sanction for prosecution...
More »RTI won’t change for judges by Satya Prakash and Nagendar Sharma
Faced with an aggressive opposition, the UPA government on Monday decided to drop its proposal to amend the Right to Information (RTI) Act to keep the office of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) out of its ambit. “We are not contemplating any such amendment,” said Law Minister M. Veerappa Moily, contradicting his earlier statement that the government was mulling changes in the transparency law. On January 31, the minister had said:...
More »Delhi High Court makes public assets of judges
All the judges of the Delhi High Court led by Chief Justice A. P. Shah on Friday made their assets and investments public by uploading the details on the Court’s website. Before these details were uploaded, each judge submitted the details of his or her assets to the Chief Justice. The asset details include properties in the judge’s name or in the name of his/her spouse or his/her dependant family members. A...
More »Panel to probe alleged violation of rights of labourers
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday said rights of labourers working on Commonwealth Games projects here in the Capital cannot be violated and appointed a four-member committee to look into alleged violation of their rights. “You are in so much hurry (to complete the projects) but workers’ right should not be affected and it has to be taken care of,” said a Bench headed by Chief Justice A. P. Shah while...
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