-PTI In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has held that marks obtained by a student in Central Board of Secondary Education Board exams cannot be revealed under the transparency law as it would “defeat” the purpose of the new grading system. The court set aside the verdict of a single-judge Bench and the Central Information Commission which had asked the CBSE to reveal marks obtained by a girl in her...
The withering of age-Harsh Mander
In a Bangladeshi folk story, a disabled grandFather is carried by his son in a basket, to be abandoned in the forest. On seeing this, the grandson calls out, 'Father, please be sure to bring back the basket. I will need it when you grow old'. Three thousand ageing men and women gathered in Delhi in the blazing midsummer heat to demand a universal pension for all aged people, not...
More »Govt plans to ban visit of 'Naxal supporter' author Jan Myrdal
-PTI Jan Myrdal, son of the celebrated Nobel laureate couple--Gunnar and Alva Myrdal--is banned from visiting India because the government believes he is a Maoist supporter. The government of India is contemplating a ban on the future visits of 85-year-old Jan Myrdal, whose parents were close friends of former Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, for his alleged backing of pro-Maoist ideology. The home ministry has found that the Sweden-based author had attended...
More »Retail inflation hits double digits in April
-The Times of India Spiralling prices of vegetables, oils and Fats, milk and milk products pushed consumer price inflation to double digits in April in yet another hurdle to the Reserve Bank of India's efforts to ease interest rates. The double digit retail inflation rate also poses fresh challenges for the UPA government which has been on the back foot for its handling of the economy. Data released by the Central Statistics Office...
More »Comic stripped-Pratap Bhanu Mehta
Parliament is now a body of fragile selves. They won’t draw a sword for liberty Is the controversy over the Ambedkar cartoon in the NCERT textbook a sign of a deeper intellectual and cultural malaise? The plot line is eerily familiar. One set of politicians raises, in this case falsely, the apprehension that a cartoon is offensive. There is a high-pitched debate. Members of an offended community accuse others of insensitivity...
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