-The Hindu The latest inflation readings based on the WHOlesale Price Index and the Consumer Price Index are a cause for concern. While the annual gain in WHOlesale prices hit a 23-month high of 3.55 per cent in July, retail inflation quickened past the Centre’s new Monetary Policy Framework’s upper limit for tolerance to 6.07 per cent. Food costs — a key component in both indices — were the main culprit....
Can?t avoid pesticides, say farm experts
-The Hindu New Delhi: Parliament’s Standing Committee on Agriculture may have expressed concern at the unscientific and excessive use of pesticides in agriculture that pose a threat both to the environment and human health. But experts say their judicious use, combined with safe agricultural practices, is the only way out as the country’s growing demand for food cannot be met through organic farming. In its recently presented report in Parliament for 2015-16,...
More »Maharashtra: Pulses on the low as increased sowing sparks market losses -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express Volatility of prices has been one of the major reasons for farmers being weaned away from pulses towards sugarcane. Pune: Last year, when prices of dal had rocketed, both the state and central governments had announced several efforts to increase cultivation of pulses in the country. While the area under cultivation has seen an increase by 119 per cent, WHOlesale prices of the commodity has seen a dip,...
More »Food prices may cool on kharif sowing; rate cut unlikely
-PTI The rise in WHOlesale prices may provide partial relief to manufacturers and producers, although it brings bad news for household budgets of consumers. Experts and industry said kharif sowing trends indicate cooling of food inflation in the coming months, even as chances of a rate cut in the near-term are low, given the rise in WPI and retail inflation. WHOlesale inflation soared to a 23-month high of 3.55 per cent in July...
More »NGO Common Cause moves SC challenging misuse of sedition law -Priyanka Mittal
-Livemint.com NGO Common Cause said in a petition that governments and law enforcement agencies had abused sedition laws to gag dissent, suppress freedom of speech and expression and to muzzle critical voices New Delhi: Common Cause, a non-governmental organization, on Wednesday moved the Supreme Court, alleging misuse and misapplication of sedition laws by successive governments, leading to routine persecution of students, journalists and intellectuals engaged in social activism. Common Cause said in...
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