-Hindustan Times Drunken driving will invite a fine of Rs.10,000, talking on phones while driving will result in a fine of Rs.5,000, and for jumping red light, driving without seat belt and helmet, the proposed fine is Rs.1,000. A parliamentary panel has agreed to a 10% annual increase in the fines for various traffic violations including drunken driving, talking on mobile, rash and negligent driving. The panel was studying the Motor Vehicles (Amendment)...
FRDI Bill: Depositors' money safer than ever, says Arun Jaitley -Avishek G Dastidar
-PTI FRDI Bill: Jaitley says no need to create fear psychosis, government will consider what panel recommends The Money of all depositors in public-sector banks will be protected and the level of protection will be “much higher than the level which existed till today,” Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told Lok Sabha Thursday. Talking about the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill 2017 during his reply to the debate on Supplementary...
More »Civil society activists oppose the enactment of the Transgender Bill in it current form
-National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) 16th Dec, 2017: National Alliance of People’s Movements is deeply concerned that the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016, to which there is massive resistance across the country from the transgender, intersex, genderqueer people, is being tabled in the Winter Session of the Parliament. The Bill in its current form is an unfortunately regressive step back from the landmark judgemnt of the Supreme Court...
More »Agri experts call for income security, price support for farmers
-The Hindu Business Line Meet Jaitley for pre-Budget discussion New Delhi: Experts from the agriculture sector have sought measures to offset the impact of inflation on crops and income security for farmers and also debated the farm loan waiver at a pre-Budget meeting with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday. This was the first such meeting and the Finance Minister will meet more sectoral groups this week to get their proposals for the...
More »Govt paid Rs 6,300 per babu for health, but only Rs 1,100 for aam aadmi -Rema Nagarajan
-The Times of India If what the central government spends on providing healthcare for its own employees is a measure of what decent healthcare costs, what governments (central and states put together) spend for the ordinary citizen is a paltry sixth of that amount. The recently released National Health Accounts (NHA) 2014-15 shows that the average government spend per citizen per year was just Rs 1,108, against almost Rs 6,300 per...
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