Former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yedduruppa might face CBI probe for his role in illegal mining The Supreme Court has allowed 45 iron-ore mines in Karnataka to resume operations. The decision came after the apex court-appointed Central Empowered Committee (CEC) found that there was no illegality or only minor ones in their operations. The mines include those of the National Mining Development Corporation (NMDC), Mineral Enterprises Limited and Mysore Minerals...
Saranda bleeds in illegal ore hunt-ASRP Mukesh
-The Telegraph Reclaimed from Maoists, the natural reserves of Saranda are up against unscrupulous adversaries. At least four mining firms have been extracting iron ore and manganese against their sanctioned capacities in this West Singhbhum region since 2008 right under the nose of the mines department and Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board (JSPCB). The startling fact came to light this January after the two laggard state offices replied to separate RTI petitions filed...
More »The Ghost’s In The Details, Ma’am-Aakar Patel
Arundhati has got it all wrong—the facts speak out against her romantic notions of the tribals’ fight Nirad C. Chaudhary wrote in The Continent of Circe that India’s tribals were mainly found in hill forests. This was because, he reasoned, they had been chased there by the invading Aryans, who displaced them from their river plains. In an essay published in this magazine (Capitalism: A Ghost Story, March 26), Arundhati Roy...
More »Green panel's nod must for relief in Karnataka mining ban: Supreme Court-Sanjay K Singh
The Supreme Court on Friday said that it will not relax its order banning mining operations in Karnataka unless recommended by its green panel - Central Empowered Committee. The court also asked iron ore mining companies to complete the clean-up and land reclamation if they want the ban to be lifted. However, the court accepted the recommendations of the panel pitching for continuation of limited mining operations by the state-owned National...
More »Mining greatest threat to tribals: KC Deo
-PTI Terming mining as the "greatest threat" faced by the tribal community in last two decades, Tribal Affairs Minister Kishore Chandra Deo has asked the youths selected under an ambitious programme to create awareness among the forest dwellers about their constitutional rights over the land. "Today the greatest threat that has come to the tribals and people living in forest areas is actually the threat of mining," the Minister told the youths...
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