-The Times of India The Andhra Pradesh high court on Wednesday set aside the trial court order granting bail to former Karnataka minister and prime accused in an illegal mining case, Gali Janardhan Reddy. The judge who granted bail to Reddy was suspended in May amid allegations of a cash-for-bail scam. The judge, Pattabhirama Rao, is facing criminal charges after being accused of granting bail for a bribe. The court concurred with the...
Centre land prod on money-saver project-Pheroze L Vincent
-The Telegraph In the time of a harsh summer, the Union power ministry is set to turn up the heat some more on the Jharkhand government for its inability to sort out land acquisition issues for a power plant in Hazaribagh that holds the promise of easing the state’s power woes in the near future. Awarded to Reliance Power in 2009, the 3.960MW Tilaiya Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP) will be the...
More »UN health agency re-classifies diesel engine exhaust as ‘carcinogenic to humans’
-The United Nations More than a decade after it was classified as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans,’ the UN health agency today classified diesel engine exhaust as ‘carcinogenic to humans.’ The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), announced the re-classification today, after a week-long meeting of international experts, and based its decision on sufficient Evidence that exposure is associated with an increased risk...
More »‘Investigate BSF's human rights violations'-J Balaji
-The Hindu Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international human rights body, has urged the government of India to probe the fresh allegations of human rights violations by the personnel of the Border Security Force (BSF) along the Bangladesh border and prosecute those responsible. According to HRW's latest report, despite assurances to Bangladesh and public orders to end unlawful killings and attacks on suspected smugglers, Evidence documented and published by Indian and Bangladeshi...
More »India needs cross media restrictions-Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
The ASCI report says there is ample Evidence of “market dominance” in specific media markets, but the government has ignored the report for three years. A ministry official tells PARANJOY GUHA THAKURTA that it is unlikely to be implemented. A report prepared by an independent institution recommending imposition of cross-media ownership restrictions recently entered the public domain nearly three years after it was submitted, following a rebuke to the government by...
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