-The Hindu The Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team has challenged in the Gujarat High Court a fast track court's judgment acquitting 31 persons of the Sardarpura massacre, witnessed during the 2002 communal riots in the State. (Thirty-three persons were killed by a Mob at Sardarpura in Mehsana district on March 1, 2002.) On November 9 last, Special court judge S. C. Srivastava sentenced 31 persons to life imprisonment and exonerated 11 others...
Goa communal riots case: 40 acquitted for lack of evidence
-PTI A local court today acquitted 40 accused, including senior BJP leaders, in the first ever communal riots case in the state, which had occurred in the twin towns of Curchorem-Sanvordem in 2006. The sessions court at Margao acquitted 40 accused, including BJP general secretary Satish Dhond and senior leader Sharmad Raiturcar. The accused had been charged with unlawful assembly, mischief and criminal trespass. Riots had erupted after a Mob demolished a madrassa...
More »More incentives for ASHAs-Aarti Dhar
The accredited social health activists (ASHAs) — the first port of call for health care under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) — will be entrusted with additional responsibilities, albeit with better monetary incentives, as the Mission Steering Group – the highest decision making body of the NRHM — has approved the proposal for involving them in activities such as spacing between births, promoting iodised salt and village sanitation. The ASHAs...
The Centre for Science and Environment has extended its deadline for media fellowships 2012. If you have interest in environmental issues please go through the enclosed notification from the CSE and apply for the media fellowships. Terms and conditions are given below and can also be found on the CSE website (http://www.cseindia.org/). For any clarification or more information please email or phone Papia Samajdar, or Souparno Banerjee at souparno@cseindia.org / 9910864339. The...
More »The lines are truly drawn now-Vishwajyoti Ghosh
Before being a cartoonist/graphic novelist, I am a citizen first. A citizen with the freedom to have feelings — if not the freedom of free speech. Now, the former is far easier than the latter. I have the freedom to have feelings and the freedom to deal with those who hurt my feelings. And on that note, I want Sarojini Naidu arrested. Posthumously, but so be it. In an All India...
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