-IndiaToday.in Earlier this month, Chief Minister of the state Kamal Nath had asked the authorities to draft a legislation on Right to Water aiming at ensuring adequate water for every person in the urban areas. * According to the Right to Water Act, 55 litres of water per person per day will be given for usage * The Right to Water act will also have stringent provisions for preventing wastage of water * Madhya...
India must recognise the right to a minimally decent life -Rajeev Bhargava
-The Hindu Just as individuals are punished for legal violations, the government of the day must also be punished for the violation of these basic rights. Three thoughts occur to me in the aftermath of the horrific tragedy in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, where the systemic failure of health care has killed over a hundred children. FIRst, like the constitutional principle of a basic structure, it is time to articulate an equally robust...
More »India's non-agrarian rural economy struggles for sustenance -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth Farmers and farm labourers, who want to quit agriculture, are stuck in the non-remunerative work since other sectors are not generating jobs at the required rate We are fairly sure by now that the upcoming Budget would be the FIRst government instrument towards the prime minister’s ambitious plan of making India a $5 trillion economy by 2024. Currently, India is nearly a $2.8 trillion economy. It is obvious we...
More »Reimagining the NITI Aayog -Vijay Kelkar & Abhay Pethe
-The Hindu The institution can play an important role in refreshing India’s fiscal federalism India’s Constitution-makers thought of India as a union of States with a centripetal bias, done, advisedly, to preserve the unity and integrity of a newly fledged nation. Since then, the Indian economy, polity, demography and society have undergone many changes. The new aspirational India is now firmly on a growth turnpike. It is in this context that we...
More »Are Mohalla Clinics Making the Aam Aadmi Healthy in Delhi? -Taniya Sah, Neha Bailwal and Rituparna Kaushik
-TheWire.in An independent analysis of 12 Mohalla clinics in Delhi to verify the claims of the government and opposition. Delhi’s Mohalla Clinics created quite a stir when the FIRst one was opened in Peeragarhi in 2015. During the Aam Aadmi Party’s FIRst year in office, the clinics were started to take diagnostics and treatment of simple ailments to people’s doorstep and reduce the footfall in tertiary care hospitals. Mohalla Clinics have been...
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