-IndiaToday.in NCRB data show fake notes of Rs 2,000 entered the market days after PM Narendra Modi's demonetisation announcement. Today they are the biggest contributors to the value of seized counterfeit currency in India. "In a country's history, there come moments when every person feels he too should be part of that moment, that he too should make his contribution to the country's progress. Such moments come but rarely," said Prime Minister...
Vegetable prices push wholesale inflation to 7-month high in December
-The Indian Express Vegetable inflation jumping to an over six-year high and pulses inflation rising to a more than 3-year high were the key reasons driving retail inflation. Wholesale price index (WPI)-based inflation surged to a seven-month high of 2.59 per cent in December 2019, as against 0.58 per cent in November, due to a sharp rise in prices of food articles like onions and potatoes, according to the data released by...
More »Wholesale inflation rises to 2.59 pc in December on costlier veggies
-PTI Wholesale prices based inflation surged to an eight-month high of 2.59 per cent in December, as against 0.58 per cent in November due to sharp rise in prices of food articles like onion and potato. Wholesale prices based inflation surged to an eight-month high of 2.59 per cent in December, as against 0.58 per cent in November due to sharp rise in prices of food articles like onion and potato. The annual...
More »2019 second hottest year on record, UN confirms
-United Nations Last year was the second warmest year on record, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed on Wednesday “The average global temperature has risen by about 1.1°C since the pre-industrial era and ocean heat content is at a record level,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. “On the current path of carbon dioxide emissions, we are heading towards a temperature increase of 3 to 5 degrees Celsius by the end of...
More »Harness the demographic dividend -Vasundhara Singh
-The Pioneer All stakeholders must engage in educating the population about sexual and reproductive health and highlight the multi-sectoral approach that will be necessary for improving adolescent health and breaking inter-generational cycles of disease Investing in adolescent health is essential to realising multiple sustainable development goals set by the UN, to be achieved by 2030. Given that India houses more than 253 million adolescents, it is pertinent to realise that neglecting their...
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