-The Hindustan Times The Delhi police on Tuesday told the high court that the websites booked for carrying objectionable material had been given sufficient warnings and opportunities by the information and technology ministry to remove them before steps were taken for their prosecution. “Contention of the websites that they were not informed or given a chance before the action is false. Time and again they were requested to remove the objectionable content”,...
White paper on black money likely in budget session
-The Hindustan Times The government is drafting the framework of a “white paper” on black money that it is likely to present before Parliament in the forthcoming budget session. The white paper, however, is unlikely to disclose any names of individuals or entities, despite the opposition’s demand to make public the names of those who are found have to stashed money in banks in overseas tax havens, sources told HT. The finance...
More »'42% of India's youth have paid a bribe' by Abhijit Patnaik
-The Hindustan Times Demographically, India is one of the youngest countries in the world, with over 50% of our population under 25 years of age. This young generation - with its thriving aspirations and new-found money power - was at its vocal best in 2011. Anna Hazare may have led the anti-graft movement, but these net-savvy, slogan-chanting youth set Twitter and other social media abuzz and came out in vast numbers to...
More »On the same wavelength
-The Hindustan Times By cancelling licences issued by the UPA government to telecommunications companies in 2008, the Supreme Court has ruled against discretion in the allotment of natural resources like radio frequencies. This is in contrast to the view of this government and that of its predecessor, the NDA, that big upfront costs like spectrum fees, which must be passed on to customers, don’t serve the larger goal of universal telecom...
More »Delay in NREGA payment is a worry: PM
-The Hindustan Times Delay in payment of wages to workers is the biggest concern under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on the 6th anniversary of the right to work scheme on Thursday. “We achieved many a success but several challenges still remain. The biggest concern is ensuring timely payment to workers. Wage delays force the workers to take costly loans to meet their...
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