-The Times of India Information and broadcasting minister ManishTewari on Thursday said that his colleague and minister for overseas Indian affairs Vayalar Ravi has apologized for his sexist comments, and the matter should rest there. Tewari said the remark was unbecoming for someone working in the public sphere, but since Ravi had apologized and withdrawn his remarks, the matter should now be put to rest. A woman journalist in Kerala sought Ravi's...
Development minus green shoots-TR Shankar Raman and MD Madhusudan
-The Hindu By exempting some projects on forest land from gram sabha consent, the government has undermined the rights of local communities and their crucial role in protecting the environment In early February, the Ministry of Environment and Forests partially revoked a crucial order it had issued in August 2009, which made the consent of gram sabhas mandatory for projects seeking diversion of forest lands for non-forest purposes. Now, the ministry has...
More »Dance, marches, poetry to combat violence against women this Valentine's Day
-PTI People from all walks of life will come together in the capital on Thursday to participate in cultural events as part of the 'One Billion Rising' global campaign, making the demand to end violence against women and children. Women organisations, elected representatives, legal luminaries, actors, artists, NGOs and academic institutions apart from individuals are expected to participate in the day-long programme, its organisers said. The campaign will simultaneously be held in...
More »Don’t rush with cash transfers as it needs preparation-Ajay Chhibber & K Seeta Prabhu
-The Economic Times Cash transfer in various forms has been used in many countries to target support to the poor and achieve social objectives. In India, its introduction has generated more passion than rational debate. The scheme is not a magic bullet, but if properly implemented and targeted, cash transfer is a very sensible instrument of social assistance. In India, the rationale for introducing the scheme seems to be to check...
More »National RTI meet in city
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: The controversial appointments of four information commissioners is one of the many topics that will be discussed at the upcoming national RTI (Right to Information) convention scheduled to be held in the city this week. Themed 'Transparency to accountability', the convention will be attended by 400 RTIactivists from across the country, who will be discussing an array of issues affecting the Act. The convention is being...
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