-PTI Mayo College Ajmer, among the most reputable schools in the country, has said the 25 per cent quota for students from underprivileged families does not apply to it as it is a boarding school. Under the Right to Education Act, all schools barring unaided minority institutions have to reserve 25 per seats for students from the weaker sections. However, there is no clarity yet on boarding schools. Appearing for the Mayo College...
Unpacking India’s Internet Censorship Debate-Shivam Vij
Recent debates on Internet censorship in India have focused to the allegedly free-for-all nature of the internet. Those of us who have argued against internet censorship have been somewhat misrepresented as arguing for absolute freedom whereby the reasonable restrictions laid down in Article 19 (A) of the Constitution of India don’t apply. Nothing could be farther than the truth. It has been said that the internet can be used to incite...
More »Media cannot reject regulation-Markandey Katju
I have not read the Private Member's Bill on media regulation that Meenakshi Natarajan was scheduled to move in Parliament last week so I am not in a position to comment upon it, but I am certainly of the opinion that the media (both print and electronic) needs to be regulated. Since my ideas on this issue have generated some controversy they need to be clarified. I want regulation of the...
More »The five they shot, buried and blamed for a massacre-Mir Ehsan
On March 25, 2000, the Army and the Jammu and Kashmir police claimed to have made a breakthrough, killing five men they described as Lashkar-e-Toiba militants in what they called an encounter in Pathribal. These militants, the Army said, had been involved in the massacre of 35 Sikhs in Chittisinghpora five days earlier when then US President Bill Clinton was on his way to India for an official visit. The Army...
More »NCW voices concern at rape of minor girl-Aarti Dhar
Panel meets Mamata, seeks an action taken report within three months The National Commission for Women (NCW) has expressed deep concern over the reported case of sexual assault on a physically challenged minor girl allegedly by a medical professional at the Bankura Medical Hospital in West Bengal. “The case is extremely distressing considering that the victim is a person of special needs and she was under the care of a doctor, who...
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