-The Times of India One of India's most unusual experiments with citizen participation in governance is set to come to an end on Friday, when central information commissioner (CIC)Shailesh Gandhi retires. Gandhi, a noted Right To Information (RTI) activist from Mumbai, was appointed to the central information commission in 2008. Under the RTI Act, there is a state information commission in every state for its laws, and a central information commission for...
We will prove the poor can access healthcare: Dr Devi Prasad Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya-Khomba Singh
-The Economic Times If Dr Devi Prasad Shetty's vision comes true, most Indians will have access to quality healthcare. Dr Shetty says the cost of healthcare in India can come down by 50% in the next 5-10 years, and this will be forced on the Hospitals by the government if service providers do not get their act together. "If you are going to say the cost of a heart surgery is...
More »Free medicines to all patients in government Hospitals from November-Khomba Singh
The government plans to roll out a nationwide free medicine scheme by November, which will offer quality essential drugs to all the patients in state-run Hospitals and treatment centres, a senior health ministry official said. LC Goyal, additional secretary in the ministry of health and family welfare, said the scheme would offer 348 essential drugs as well as their combinations to patients. These drugs account for about 28 per cent of...
More »Government school slams its doors on married girls-Mohamed Imranullah S
-The Hindu Fears that they would set a “bad example” to others Is there any bar on married girls pursuing their education in Class XI of a government school? This intriguing question has arisen in the minds of many people at Melur, a town situated about 20 km from Madurai, abutting the highway leading to Tiruchi and Chennai. This year, the only government girls’ higher secondary school in the town denied admission to...
More »Are we guilty of Tarun Sehrawat's death?-Aditya Raj Kaul
-The Sunday Indian When I first heard about two journalists battling for life after returning from a reporting assignment in the Abujmarh jungles of Chattisgarh, from a journalist friend, I was left unmoved. In journalistic circles, while we haven't yet lost on our emotions, it's a proud feeling to see a fellow journalist excel at reportage from an inaccessible corner, especially when the reporter is still a cub in the field....
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