-The Hindu New Delhi: Over 40 people were taken ill after consuming contaminated water, supplied by Delhi Jal Board, on the NCERT campus near Hauz Khas on Tuesday. While some of those affected are under treatment at various city hospitals including Safdarjung, Rockland and Saket City Hospital in South Delhi, two persons including a four-year-old child allegedly died in the area following complication arising out of drinking unclean water this past Sunday. However,...
Water contamination deaths: First alarm was two months ago, no one responded -Shalini Narayan
-The Indian Express New Delhi: For two months, residents of NCERT Colony kept approaching authorities with complaints of contaminated water, but no action was taken. The authorities took notice only after two residents died and 70 fell ill. On Sunday, four-year-old Sanjana was declared dead at Safdarjung Hospital. Since then, several residents have fallen ill. The Delhi Jal Board (DJB) and the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) are, meanwhile, blaming each other for the contaminated water. Residents claimed...
More »Planning Commission cautions states against doling out freebies -Yogima Seth Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Before populism spikes in the run-up to the general elections, the Planning Commission has cautioned states against doling out freebies such as free laptops, tablets, and mobiles in the name of development spending and instead asked them to focus on schemes related to infrastructure development. "This year's message is basically that states must have much more efficient functioning of the inclusiveness scheme. Since a lot of the...
More »The kidney paradox
-The Hindu Chronic corruption and lack of affordable access to treatments for serious diseases in the public health system stand exposed in the kidney commerce scandal in Tamil Nadu's Dharmapuri district. Nothing can be a greater irony than the existence of such thriving sale of organs in a State that also has perhaps the best-run programme for donation of kidneys, livers, hearts and lungs by deceased donors. It is no small...
More »Makala Mane centres draw the ire of anganwadi workers -Sathish GT
-The Hindu Hassan (Karnataka): Though officials of the departments of Public Instruction, and Women and Child Development may be enthusiastic about setting up pre-primary centres (Makkala Mane) to attract children to government schools, it has attracted the ire of anganwadi workers. With the setting up of these centres, anganwadi workers have to look after lower kindergarten classes aside from implementing the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). The Makkala Mane centres were set up...
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