-The New Indian Express Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has emerged among the strongest voices against the Food Security Bill, which is being pushed by the UPA government. She recently wrote to the Prime Minister asking him to exempt Tamil Nadu from the implementation of the ordinance that brought the Food Security Bill into force. Apart from the political overtones that such a request might be seen to have,...
SMS, RTI potent tools of drug companies fighting patent battle -Soma Das
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: As patent wars heat up in the pharma space, mobile phone messages and Right to Information filings have emerged as potent weapons in the hands of multinationals keen to delay competition from low-cost generic versions of their patented products in India. Innovator drugmakers, who used to strike with patent suits after generic drugmakers released their versions in the market, have started gleaning information from text messages sent...
More »SC issues notice to Centre on recklessly parked trucks -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday sought the Centre's response after a PIL gave chilling details of thousands of motorists meeting gory deaths every year because of trucks and trailers parked without sufficient warning on highways, many carrying iron rods protruding out dangerously. 'SaveLife Foundation', an NGO, used the Right to Information (RTI) Act to collect details of fatalities resulting from collision of vehicles with these haphazardly...
More »Bengal tops UN list of missing kids, women -Krishnendu Bandyopadhyay & Rohit Khanna
-The Times of India KOLKATA: More than 13,000 women and children from Bengal went untraceable in 2011. Where did they go? Were they abducted? Were they sold for money? Are they still alive? None has an answer. The year before, around 28,000 women and children went missing and 19,000 of them remained untraceable. Missing women and children are ever increasing numbers in government files and reports by various organizations. But for their...
More »Minister wants special panel on terror cases against Muslims -Subodh Ghildiyal
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Union minority affairs minister Rahman Khan wants the government to form an all-powerful taskforce to monitor and review terror cases against Muslims, arguing that it is needed to ensure justice for "innocent Muslim youth" languishing in jails after being framed in terror cases. Khan cited the example of the UK which, he said, has formed a task force under Prime Minister David Cameron to ensure there...
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