-The Times of India Fears that policy paralysis will continue after the Congress party's poor show in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections unnerved investors, and the sensex lost 190 points on Tuesday to end the day at 17173, its worst close in six weeks. The trepidation in the markets also affected shares of a few Anil Ambani-promoted Reliance Group companies, even though they were actually expected to gain because of the...
Administration insensitive to problems of SCs/STs by R Ramachandran
In the context of the suicide by a reserved category first year student at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences on March 3, a recent decision of the Institute Body (IB) and the Governing Body (GB) points, on the one hand, to total insensitivity of the institute's administration to the problems of the SCs/STs, and, on the other, how politician-members of these apex bodies seem to influence the decisions...
More »The Moving Earthquake by Panini Anand
After Haryana ban, illegal mining shifts to Sikar’s hills Who’s The Quarry? More than 400 active leases in the Sikar belt 1,200 trucks move out of Rajasthan Aravallis daily In Dabla alone, 50 ha of land mined Area has five small rivers, three clogged with sludge. *** The ceiling of her house has some long cracks, the roof has become unstable, the floor in some parts has caved in. When Reshmi built her house in the Dabla...
More »Mamata shuns Centre on Food Bill by Anirban Bhaumik
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has once again cold-shouldered the Centre’s overtures to win the Trinamool Congress’ support for the National Food Security Bill. Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, K V Thomas, visited Kolkata on Friday, but returned without meeting Banerjee. Though Thomas’ office had written to Banerjee to propose the meeting to allay concerns of the Bengal government over the bill, it...
More »Dalit homes’ burning: Orissa draws flak over ‘inaction’ by Debabrata Mohanty
National Commission for Scheduled Caste chief P L Punia Sunday slammed the Orissa government for its “failure” to apprehend the people who burnt Dalit homes at Lathor village in January. Houses of at least 45 Dalit families were set on fire at Lathor in Bolangir district on January 22. A Dalit boy Ganesh Suna boy had reportedly bought a shirt but the upper caste shopkeeper, Bharat Meher, accused him of stealing...
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