-The Hindu Trinamool jumps on Opposition bandwagon, while Akali Dal backs move Cabinet clearance for Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand retail led to tumult and uproar in Parliament, with both Houses adjourning without transacting any business for the third successive day on Friday. Going by the Opposition's hostile reaction, there is a question mark over smooth conduct of proceedings when Parliament meets on Monday. Communist Party of India Parliamentary Party leader Gurudas Dasgupta has...
UGC announces phasing out of animal dissection by Aarti Dhar
Marking a major shift in zoology and life sciences curriculum which was being followed in the country for over 90 years, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has announced phasing out of animal dissection for experimental purposes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, replacing these by alternative models including virtual dissection. Animal ethics will also be included in the appropriate course to sensitise students. The decision was take based on the recommendations...
More »Much needed move to empower people? by Dr Nita Mukherjee
Has the time come for an effective Citizens Right to Grievance Redress Bill? Will the government enact a legislation that will truly empower ordinary people? Civil society needs to debate the provisions of the draft bill that is released for public discussion and feedback The Citizens Right to Grievance Redress Bill, 2011 seeks to “lay down an obligation upon every public authority to publish citizens charter stating therein the time within...
More »How the RSS co-opted Anna by Gyan Verma & Sreelatha Menon
This is a saga of how the Hindu outfit saw the promise in Anna and pursued him for its gains. How often do we meet strangers on a flight and realise that it could possibly be the beginning of a lasting friendship? This is how yoga teacher Ramdev and super cop Kiran Bedi met in mid 2010 when both of them were on the same flight and Ramdev spotted her. Although fate...
More »UPA works on quota for Muslims by Sanjay K Jha
The Manmohan Singh government has decided to create a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Castes (OBCs) and an announcement is likely before the Uttar Pradesh elections next summer. Sources said inter-ministerial consultations had been completed and the law ministry was finalising the contours of the proposal to be placed before the Union cabinet in the next few weeks. Indications are that a sub-quota of 6...
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