-The Times of India The SC order said quite clearly that then telecom minister A Raja "wanted to favour some companies at the cost of the public exchequer" and lists seven steps he took to ensure this happened. Here are the steps as the SC saw them: 1. After taking over as telecom minister, Raja directed that all applications received for UAS licences should be kept pending till receipt of the Trai's...
On the same wavelength
-The Hindustan Times By cancelling licences issued by the UPA government to telecommunications companies in 2008, the Supreme Court has ruled against discretion in the allotment of natural resources like radio frequencies. This is in contrast to the view of this government and that of its predecessor, the NDA, that big upfront costs like spectrum fees, which must be passed on to customers, don’t serve the larger goal of universal telecom...
More »Stopwatch justice
-The Indian Express SC wants a four-month deadline for govt to give sanction; what about the years of trial in a court? The Supreme Court is right in underlining the need for speedy sanction to prosecute public officials in corruption cases. The court was responding to a petition by Subramanian Swamy, who alleged “inordinate delay” by the prime minister’s office in responding to his petition on the 2G spectrum scam, and withholding...
More »Farmers thwart bid to sell mining lease in Bichwa, Tekadi by Vijay Pinjarkar
-The Times of India The farmers from Bichwa and Tekadi in the district have thwarted an attempt to sell mining leases which have already been suspended by Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM). The state government had granted lease for manganese and dolomite mining over 17.25 hectares in Bichwa and 11.5 hectares in Tekadi to one AD Kuhite of Nagpur on March 22, 1996. The 20-year lease period expires on August 10, 2016. However,...
More »Didi, don’t roll back
-The Indian Express For once, Mamata does the right thing — by laying down work rules for her employees Mamata Banerjee’s politics, in a word, could be called “populist”, in the absence of a well-formulated and well-enunciated agenda. In her last years in opposition, and now as chief minister of West Bengal, Banerjee has steadily positioned herself as “more left than the Left”. The Luddite politics of Singur, her stint as the...
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