The former Samajwadi Party leader, Amar Singh on Monday challenged the father-son duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan to prove that the controversial CD allegedly containing a conversation between Mr. Shanti Bhushan and him (Amar Singh) and SP chief Mulayam Singh on a legal deal was fake and asked the Bhushans to step down from the joint drafting panel on the Lokpal Bill. Addressing a news conference here, Mr. Amar Singh...
Binayak Sen released on bail by Aman Sethi
“I know in my heart that I never betrayed the people of this country” At 7 O'clock on a sultry Monday evening, human rights activist and paediatrician Binayak Sen walked out of the Raipur Central Jail and into the arms of his daughters Aparajita and Pranhita. “I know in my heart that I never betrayed the people of this country,” Dr. Sen said soon after he was released on bail,...
More »Hazare wants Jan Lokpal Bill to be the working draft by Gargi Parsai
Shanti Bhushan denies allegations on undervaluation of property Ahead of the first meeting of the newly-formed joint committee on the anti-corruption Lokpal Bill here, Anna Hazare-led members said here on Friday that they wanted the draft Jan Lokpal Bill prepared by the civil society as the “working or the base draft.” The joint committee, chaired by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and co-chaired by former Law Minister Shanti Bhushan, is meeting here on...
More »Booze-and-bucks vote? Not for Anna
Anna Hazare trusts Narendra Modi on “development” but not the maturity of the Indian voter. Fresh from the Lok Pal “victory”, the social activist has said he will never contest an election as most Indian voters do not value their vote and sell it for money and liquor. “I will lose my deposit if I stand for elections.… The voter is not aware. Many of them cast their votes for a 100-rupee...
More »Bangladesh: crisis of the Grameen Bank by Haroon Habib
U.S. support for Muhammad Yunus is so strong that Dhaka may find a negotiated settlement to protect the Nobel Laureate's image and the independence of the Grameen Bank. Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus's three-decades-long journey with microfinance was laborious. But he most certainly did not encounter a crisis like the one he is facing now. It was only in December 2010 that the Bangladeshi — who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with...
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