-PTI The Income Tax department has detected alleged tax evasion to the tune of Rs. 7 crore in the business transactions of Purti group of companies related to former BJP president Nitin Gadkari. Probing the alleged dubious transactions of the Purti Power and Sugar Limited (PPSL) since last year, the department has completed assessments pertaining to the last two financial years and has found evasion to the tune of more than Rs....
UPA 2 tenure sees most Parliament disruptions -Prasad Nichenametla
-The Hindustan Times As the country enters the election year, the UPA government has its task cut out in the form of legislative commitments which are looking increasingly difficult to fulfil. As many as 115 bills (excluding the finance bill) are pending before Parliament. Among these are the land acquisition and food security bills that for obvious reasons are high on the Congress-led coalition's social agenda in a poll year. Ninety-three of...
More »Bengal in damage control, Saradha Group bust brings memories of '80s
-PTI KOLKATA: The West Bengal government has stepped in for damage control after chit fund company Saradha Group went bust reviving memories of the collapse of Sanchayita Investments in the early eighties when several investors and agents committed suicide. Sanchayita collected more than Rs 120 crore in 1980 before its offices were raided and it folded up with only a handful of people getting back a minuscule amount of money. Two main...
More »Not by inputs alone -Yamini Aiyar
-The Indian Express April 1 marked the third anniversary of the passage of the Right of Children for Free and Compulsory Education (RTE). There is little argument that the implementation of the RTE in these three years has been less than satisfactory. Deadlines for the enforcement of input norms - infrastructure, pupil-teacher ratios - have come and gone and potentially game-changing provisions, like 25 per cent reservation for economically weaker sections...
More »Does India Inc love corruption: Not a single Indian private co part of UN initiative against graft -Vikas Dhoot
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: India Inc has been conspicuously absent from a four-year-old United Nations-led global initiative against corruption, an unflattering distinction for Indian industry that could also buttress a widespread feeling that doing business in the country is difficult without bribing officials. Not one Indian company has yet joined a global panel of companies steered by the world body to act against corruption in their businesses and pressurise governments...
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