-The New Indian Express The CM said his govT decided to waive off loans amounting to Rs 520 crores with respect to the principal amount against their cooperative loans as of July 31, 2017. CHANDIGARH: Asserting his continued support to the farmers agitating against the three farm Laws, Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Friday launched a Rs 520 crore debt relief scheme for 2.85 lakh farm labourers and landless farmers....
‘Sorry state of affairs’ in Parliament: Chief justice says there is no clarity in Laws
-Scroll.in The Monsoon Session of Parliament saw several disruptions as the government and the Opposition reached an impasse over discussion on the Pegasus spyware row. Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Sunday criticised the functioning of the Parliament, saying there was no clarity in Laws, reported Bar and Bench. “Now we see legislations with lot of gaps, and lot of ambiguity in making Laws,” Ramana said at the Independence Day ceremony organised...
More »Kisan Sansad passes 'no-confidence' motion against govt for not repealing farm Laws
-PTI/ IndiaTVNews.com The umbrella body of over 40 farmer unions said the government's "failure" to support farmers during natural calamities, hike in fuel prices and the recent Pegasus snooping row were among the issues that were discussed during the Kisan Sansad on Friday. The Kisan Sansad being held by farmers protesting the Central farm Laws moved a no-confidence motion against the government on Friday for not repealing the three contentious legislations, the...
More »Only 15% Indians know about Pegasus. But once aware, their distrust of Modi govt grows -Rakesh Jain
-ThePrint.in Prashnam's 12-state survey shows a general lack of awareness. But among those who know what Pegasus is, a greater percentage say Modi government snoops on ordinary citizens. The Pegasus scandal has rocked India’s Parliament. The issue of Israeli spyware allegedly used for snooping on thousands of private citizens has been making headlines for the past two weeks across the world and in some sections of the Indian media. Reports continue to...
More »Total number of journalists and media houses targeted was 228 in 2020, states India Press Freedom Report 2020 by RRAG
-Press release by Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) dated 30 July, 2021 NEW DELHI: “During 2020 at least 228 journalists (including two cases against media houses) were targeted. These included 12 female journalists who had faced physical violence, online harassment/ threats and cases including under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) of 1967”, stated Mr Suhas Chakma, Director of the Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) while releasing India...
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