-The Hindu Details have also been sought on how the States propose to implement new plans for women's safety that can be financed by the Rs. 1,000-crore Nirbhaya Fund. The States and Union Territories that have failed to put in place steps to make public transport systems safe for women will not be eligible for getting their quota of new buses under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the Union...
Come out and claim the road -Sunita Narain
-The Business Standard We have built city roads only for cars to move. Cars rule the road I write this column from my bed, recovering from an accident that broke my bones. I was hit by a speeding car while cycling. The driver fled the scene of the accident in the car, leaving me bleeding on the road. This is what happens again and again, in every city of our country, on...
More »Invest in Girls' Education to Break Cycle of Poverty: UNICEF
-Outlook New Delhi: Investing in education of girls, especially the most marginalised, is required to make progress on most social indicators in India, according to UNICEF. To mark the second International Day of the Girl Child, UNICEF today organised a meeting with top Urdu editors in the capital. Speaking at the event, Urmila Sarkar, Chief of Education UNICEF, said, "Innovation in girls education will be instrumental to female empowerment and breaking the cycle...
More »Jayanthi Natarajan, Union Environment and Forests Minister interviewed by Nitin Sethi
-The Hindu "The most important milestone to be set at Warsaw is on climate finance," says Jayanthi Natarajan, Union Environment and Forests Minister, in an interview ahead of the climate negotiations beginning November 11. * What are your thoughts on the view that historical emissions should not play a role in deciding responsibilities under the 2015 agreement? India has consistently held the view that historical emissions are a very important pillar of issues...
More »Massive immunisation drive begins today in Kerala-C Maya
-The Hindu To bring up proportion of fully immunised children to 100 % THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (Kerala): The Health Department will kick off an intensive immunisation campaign across districts this week to bring up the proportion of fully immunised children to one hundred per cent in the State. The campaign is being launched on Monday in Malappuram, which has been consistently lagging behind in all immunisation and related activities and has the highest proportion of...
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