-The Hindu But forensic reports say notes are of poor quality, security features not copied Two years after demonetisation, the fake currency notes seized so far are not of a high quality, a probe by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has found. Another Home Ministry official said the network of same fake currency operators was still intact as two years ago, that pushed fake notes from the Bangladesh border. But there was not...
Administrative laxity is responsible for failure to check air pollution
-The Telegraph However, it is true that administrative agencies cannot act without a nod from their political masters It is, as always, a question of will. The highest court of the land has demonstrated its will over and over again, coming to the aid of India’s citizens by delivering them from a clutch of threats. Its recent ruling Banning noisy, toxic firecrackers can be cited as one example of a deliverance that...
More »Only 9% of high court judges are women -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: It was a historic moment in April 2017 when four women judges headed the most important high courts of Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta and Madras. But the Indian judiciary may have to wait for another decade to repeat the feat as women judges constitute barely 9% of the current working strength in high courts of the country. The golden moment for women in judiciary, which got its...
More »Demonetisation disrupted the life of every Indian -- and failed all of its stated goals -Meera H Sanyal
-Scroll.in On the second anniversary of the note Ban, Banker Meera Sanyal shares her experience of writing a book on the government’s great blunder. Some incidents are hard to forget – the death of a loved one, the moment one falls in love, the birth of a child. They remain etched in our memories with a vividness that transcends time. Occasionally, there is an incident that imprints itself on the collective memory...
More »Delhi: Little change in pollution despite SC push, 310 arrests for bursting crackers
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Tradition trumped law and concern over air pollution as a large number of Delhiites openly defied the Supreme Court’s guidelines and celebrated Diwali on Wednesday by bursting traditional firecrackers despite a major crackdown. While reports suggested fewer crackers were burst this year than in 2017, air quality the day after Diwali was almost as bad. The average AQI recorded on Thursday was 390, at “very...
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