Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has fully supported Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) chief Nandan Nilekani’s effort to enroll all residents of India under the Aadhaar card scheme. Singh has instructed the Planning Commission to bring a proposal before the CABinet to provide statutory powers to UIDAI to enroll beyond the present limit of 20 crore people. The home ministry, which is collecting biometric details of people for creating the National...
Censorship no answer to paid news: PM
-PTI Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said "perversions" like paid news had come as a shock but censorship was no answer and favoured self-regulation for the media. "It is true that sometimes irresponsible journalism can have serious consequences for social harmony and public order, which the public authorities have an obligation to maintain, but censorship is no answer," he said at a function to launch a book 'The Tribune 130 years:...
More »Centre dares to talk of 40% hike in urea price amid polls by Deepshikha Sikarwar
The government plans to raise prices of urea, the most widely consumed fertiliser in the country, by a steep 40%. The move, necessitated by the government's mounting subsidy burden, is a test of its political courage as it comes just ahead of elections in five states. Farmers in India use about 28 million tonne of urea annually, of which 6-8 million tonne is imported. The uptrend in prices of imported urea...
More »The magic number
-The Economist A huge identity scheme promises to help India’s poor—and to serve as a model for other countries INDIA’S economy might be thriving, but many of its people are not. This week Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, said his compatriots should be ashamed that over two-fifths of their children are underfed. They should be outraged, too, at the infant mortality, illiteracy, lack of clean drinking water and countless other curses that...
More »Reform by numbers
-The Economist Opposition to the world’s biggest biometric identity scheme is growing FOR a country that fails to meet its most basic challenges—feeding the hungry, piping clean water, fixing roads—it seems incredible that India is rapidly building the world’s biggest, most advanced, biometric database of personal identities. Launched in 2010, under a genial ex-tycoon, Nandan Nilekani, the “unique identity” (UID) scheme is supposed to roll out trustworthy, unduplicated identity numbers based on...
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