-The Hindu A day after West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan gave his assent, the State government on Tuesday issued a notification to turn the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill into law. Industry Minister Partha Chatterjee said the notification would be followed by the framing of rules by a committee, which would determine the process to return an equivalent portion of land to the “unwilling” farmers of Singur. Their land was...
Government and civil society members differ on selection and removal of Lokpal members
Only one contentious issue came up for discussion at Monday's meeting between the government representatives and civil society members of the Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill. It was the selection and removal of Lokpal members. The two sides differed on both counts. The government preferred a committee comprising the Prime Minister, the Lok Sabha Speaker, the leaders of both Houses, Leaders of the Opposition of both Houses, the Home...
More »Rough draft of a bill by MR Madhavan
The joint committee for drafting the Lokpal bill has, among other things, brought much attention to lawmaking itself. What indeed is the process of enacting a law? And what therein are the points of engagement with citizens and civil society? A government bill may be introduced by a minister, and a private member bill by any member of Parliament. We focus here on government bills, as private member bills have rarely...
More »What if Shanti Bhushan were prime minister?
-The Indian Express The self-appointed representatives of civil society would like to remind us that the trouble with our politics is that you have absolutely no idea what sort of person might wind up being on top. Horrific and untidy, isn’t it? “Suppose tomorrow, a corrupt person like Madhu Koda or A. Raja or any of the Reddy Brothers became prime minister,” is a worry that runs through a letter...
More »Sonia panel proposes food court by Radhika Ramaseshan
Any Indian denied food security rights will be able to seek quick legal redress if the government accepts a suggestion from the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council. The council wants the National Food Commission, a watchdog against any violation of the National Food Security Bill, to be given all the powers of a civil court. Its verdicts are to be binding on the government. Such a measure will help provide quicker and...
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