If nothing else, the Delhi police raid on Baba Ramdev's camp on Sunday has helped clear some confusion. The midnight swoop was unexpected, but we now know that the central government, which treated the yoga guru like an honoured state guest when he first arrived in Delhi, is his enemy. Congress leader Digvijay Singh has described Ramdev as a "thug" and a "fraud". In turn, Ramdev has accused the centre of...
The end of a circus in Delhi
-Live Mint In their politics, they are in the same class as the Maoists-the difference being that the latter want to break the system with a gun; for others the chosen weapon is satyagraha. Baba Ramdev’s show is over, for the time being. Early on Sunday morning police swooped on his tent city in the heart of Delhi and detained him. His followers dispersed quietly after an initial round of skirmishes...
More »Now, hysterical opportunists
-The Hindustan Times Never a dull moment in Indian politics — or whatever you choose to call what the nation was subjected to last week that culminated in self-styled activist, yoga teacher Ramdev being evicted from the Ramlila Maidan on late Saturday night. The government finally did the right thing. After days of wooing the man — with the four Union ministers sent to placate the Baba-ji outside an airport — and...
More »Weighing The Scales by Anuradha Raman
A caveat: Is the Lokpal the right authority to investigate judges? Legal luminaries think otherwise. Five Points Of Contention Pro-Lokpal Bill activists want the higher judiciary to come under the purview of the new law. Jurists think otherwise. Point: Nowhere in the world is there an ombudsman to whom the entire higher judiciary is made accountable Counterpoint: The Lokpal Bill must ensure powers to probe corruption charges against SC and HC judges Independence of...
More »Citizen Cane Vs King Canute by Saikar Datta
No one’s buying the government’s desperate arguments to keep the prime minister above Lokpal scrutiny Points Of Friction Government and civil society representatives have sparred on the question of including the prime minister in the proposed Lokpal Bill on seven key grounds: Point: The Prime Minister is accountable only to Parliament, and to the people of India Counterpoint: Does this mean a PM can never face action for criminal liability, however serious the charge,...
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