-The Hindu Report finds one in seven Indians suffered from mental health issues in 2017. Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh account for a higher prevalence of mental disorders that manifest primarily during adulthood in depression and anxiety, according to the FIRst comprehensive estimates of disease burden attributable to mental health from 1990 prepared by the India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative and published in the Lancet Psychiatry. The study finds that...
Raghubar Das' style of working proved costly for BJP
-IANS Raghubar Das' style of working proved costly for BJP Ranchi: The perceived dissatisfaction with the style of functioning of Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das and his bid to copy Lalu Prasad in running the government apparently led to BJP's defeat in Jharkhand. Das, though, has many records to his credit; one of them is that he was the FIRst non-tribal Chief Minister who survived full tenure of five years. In a state...
More »RBI's 2018 notification excluded Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh to open bank account in India -Manoj Sharma
-BusinessToday.in The notification was FIRst issued in March 2018 after a nod from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Economic Affairs, following which it was made mandatory for banks to mention the religion of a person from Pakistan and Bangladesh for opening an account in India Even as the protests over the recently passed Citizenship Amendment Act have brought India to a standstill, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)...
More »Explained: What connects the NPR, NRIC and Census? -K Venkataramanan
-The Hindu * How is the National Population Register compiled? How is it related to citizenship and the decennial census? And, can States refuse cooperation with the NPR process? The story so far: As protests spread all across the country against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), 2019 and the proposed National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC), West Bengal and Kerala suspended work related to the preparation and update of the National Population...
More »Bridgefy: An offline messaging app suddenly gaining traction in India -Tamal Nandi
-Livemint.com * Bridgefy app requires an internet connection to activate the app for the FIRst time you open the app * The app primarily works on three modes with the help of Bluetooth in the mobile phone The protest by the various sections in various parts of the country regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act has led to the shutdown of internet services in various parts of the country. Due to shutdown of internet services,...
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