-The Hindu The Finance Ministry had approved the changes in the draft National Food Security Bill that were incorporated after taking the views of the Department of Women and Child Development as well as those posted on the Food Ministry's website, Minister of State for Food and Public Distribution K.V. Thomas said on Thursday. The Ministry would soon bring to the Cabinet a revised draft after incorporating the comments of the Ministries...
Civil society groups slam ‘dilution’ by Govt by Annapurna Jha
Civil society groups on Tuesday came out strongly against the Centre’s draft National Food Security Bill, which has not incorporated the National Advisory Council’s suggestion for providing maternity entitlements to about 15 crore women in the informal (non-Government) sector, as in the Central Government, thereby denying food security (breast feeding) to infants. Similarly, the current legal guarantee of 'hot cooked meals' for children attending anganwadis has been diluted by providing the...
More »Pranab approves changes in Food Bill
-PTI Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, the head of the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on Food, has approved key changes in the proposed National Food Security Bill and the revised draft will be placed before Cabinet soon. ”Yesterday evening, the Finance Minister has given final clearance to the draft Food Bill. It will be soon placed before Cabinet,” told Food Minister K V Thomas. The key changes proposed in the Bill have been...
More »States in India: Governance holds key, size is only secondary by Subodh Varma
Are smaller states easier to govern and hence better for the people? The most recent reorganization took place in November 2000 when three mega states - Uttar Pradesh,Bihar and Madhya Pradesh - were sliced up to give birth to Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, respectively. It is more than a decade since then. The new states are now well-established. But, how are they faring compared to the 'mother' states? Has the...
More »Farmers dump paddy for more profitable vegetables by Nidhi Nath Srinivas
Sivadasan's five-acre farm used to be a solitary patch in Kerala's Palakkad district, with bitter gourd, cucumber, cow peas and lady's finger growing amid a landscape dotted with paddy fields and plantations of rubber and spices. Just five years later, more than 1.45 lakh farmers in the southern state have joined Sivadasan and started growing vegetables, reflecting a palpable shift sweeping across the Indian countryside. "Vegetables are always more profitable than paddy,"...
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