-The Hindu Union Railway Minister C.P. Joshi has announced the decision to constitute a Rail Tariff Authority, based on which the next hike in passenger fares and freight rates will be effected. The Tariff Authority is an attempt at insulating the Railways from various hikes being effected by the government, including on fuel price, which officials regard as having made the operation of the Railways in the current situation unviable. Addressing the Economic...
IOC cuts petrol price by 56 paise
-The Times of India Market leader IndianOil on Monday reduced petrol price by 56 paise to pass on to consumers the benefit of the rupee's growing strength against the dollar in recent times. The fuel will cost Rs 67.90 a litre at IndianOil's pumps in Delhi against Rs 68.46 due to higher incidence of state tax while the price in Mumbai will come down by 71 paise to Rs 74.43 a litre....
More »The long march of PV Rajagopal-Ruchira Singh
-Live Mint He is at the head of a march to Delhi for a new policy that promises every poor family a small patch of land Morena (Madhya Pradesh): One hot Friday in October, a 64-year-old man named P.V. Rajagopal is marching at the head of a procession of around 50,000 people on the highway from Gwalior to Delhi. Rajagopal is slight and heavily sunburnt, and has walked tens of thousands of kilometres...
More »Will political novice Arvind Kejriwal do things hitherto not done?- Sruthijith KK & Nistula Hebbar
-The Economic Times When Arvind Kejriwal, the rising enfant terrible of Indian politics, raised allegations about the rising fortunes of Robert Vadra on Friday, all of Congress' spokesmen and too many senior ministers went on television to defend party president Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law. In sharp contrast to the rehearsed talking points and cultivated anguish that features in nightly debates, this time the emotion was genuine, the anger sharp. "This is not...
More »Half of families in slums still don’t know about RTE: report-Malia Politzer
-Live Mint 72% of respondents across major cities were ignorant about govt schemes exclusively for girl education Three years after the Right to Education (RTE) Act was passed, around 50% of families in slums across the country are still unaware of its existence, according to a report released by Child Rights and You (CRY), a non-government organization. The report analyzes various barriers in the way of educating girls, drawing on data from a...
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